Prof. Şükrü Yazar, M.D.

Prof. Şükrü Yazar, M.D.

Prof. Şükrü Yazar, M.D.

Prof. Dr. Şükrü Yazar, graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1992 and completed his specialty training in Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 2001.

Prof. Şükrü Yazar, M.D.

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Prof. Dr. Şükrü Yazar, graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1992 and completed his specialty training in Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 2001. During his specialty preparation, he received training in Plastic Surgery at Cambridge Addenbrooke’s Hospital in England, Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury and Canniesburn Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland. His experimental work entitled "Reverse Flow Skin- Muscle Flap" (A New Flap Model), written during his residency, received the first prize in the "Experimental Study" category in the research competition organized by the Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association. he also worked as a "Clinical Research Fellow – Clinical Research Assistant" for two years at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, the world’s best microsurgery center, in Taipei, Taiwan between 2002 and 2004.


In 2007, Prof. Dr. Şükrü YAZAR was awarded the title of Associate Professor. And in December of the same year, he successfully passed the exam held by the Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association and received the Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Qualification Certificate. Subseauently, He successfully passed the qualification exam organized by the European Association of Plastic Surgeons in 2008 and was awarded the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, EBOPRAS. Havin g received his specialties in Hand Surgery in 2011 and Oral, Face and Maxillofacial Surgery in 2012, Prof. Dr. Şükrü Yazar was awarded the title of Professor in 2013. He has been working as a faculty member at Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine since December 2008. Prof. Dr. Şükrü Yazar continues his academic studies as the Head of the Department of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery and as a Faculty Member. Yazar, who has served as the President of the Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Breast Working Group for two years, is a Board Member of the association. Currently, he is proceeding with his clinical and surgical studies in his aesthetic clinic in Nişantaşı.


Baş ve boyun rekonstrüksiyonunda onlay kemik greftleri.
Yazar S. Plastik Cerrahi Seminerleri, 24, 255-261 (2010) Kutanöz kas flebi: Bir olgu sunumu.
Yazar S., Chen HC, Mardini S., Salgado CJ J Reconstr Microsurg, 25, 517-520 (2009)
Çok işlevli anterolateral uyluk flebi ile önkol ve elin büyük ve karmaşık yumuşak doku defektlerinde fonksiyonel rekonstrüksiyon.
Gideroglu K., Çakıcı H., Yıldırım S., Yazar S., Akoz T. Eklem Hastalıkları Cerrahisi. 20, 149-155 (2009)
Pediküllü flepler için venöz anastomoz ile venöz drenajın arttırılması.
Yazar S., Chen, HC, Mardini, S. Reconstr Microsurg. 24: 369-376 (2008)
Tip III-B açık kalkaneus kırıklarının tedavisinde serbest flep kullanımı.
Ulusal AE, Lin CH, Lin YT, Ulusal BG, Yazar S. Plast Reconstr Surg. 121, 2010-2019 (2008)
Kompleks el dorsum kusurunun rekonstrüksiyonu için çift vaskülarize katmanlar olarak kompozit anterolateral uyluk flebinin kullanımı.
Yazar S., Gideroğlu K., Kılıç B., Gökkaya A. Plast Reconstr Esthet Surg. 61, 1549-1550 (2008)
Pediatrik baş ve boyun rekonstrüksiyonunda mikrocerrahi serbest doku transferlerinin güvenliği ve güvenilirliği – 72 vaka raporu.
Yazar S., Wei FC, Chen HC, Cheng MH, Huang WC, Chuang DCC, Lin CH Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 61, 767-771 (2008)
Kompozit maksiller etkilerin rekonstrüksiyonu için osteomiyokütan peroneal arter perforatör flep.
Yazar S., Cheng MH, Wei F.C, Hao SP, Chang KP Baş Boyun. 28, 297-304 (2006)
Kompozit maksiller defektlerin rekonstrüksiyonu için osteomiyokütan peroneal arter perforatör flep.
Yazar S., Cheng MH, Wei FC, Hao SP, Chang. KP Head Neck, 28, 297-304 (2006)
Kompozit duku allotransplantasyonda immünolojik faktörlere dayalı klinik öncesi çalışmalar ve hayvan modelleri.
Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi, 2004
Pediatrik hastalarda seçmeli serbest doku transferi.
Yücel A, Aydın Y, Yazar S, Altıntaş F, Şenyuva CJ Reconstr. Mikrosurg.2001; 17: 27-36

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Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery


  • 1992 - 1998
    Ankara University Medicine School

    Ankara University Medicine School MEDICINE SCHOOL

  • 2001 -
    Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty Of Medicine

    Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty Of Medicine PLASTIC, RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY
