Prof. Arif Ulubil, M.D.

Prof. Arif Ulubil, M.D.

Prof. Arif Ulubil, M.D.

Born in 1974 and father of two children, Safter Arif ULUBİL is a trilingual Professor and Doctor who received medical training in the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine between 1992-1998. Following that, he completed his residency in 2004 at Istanbul School of Medicine Dept of ORL. Between 2004-2006, He worked in Jackson Memorial Hospital affiliated with the University of Miami Dept of ORL as a clinical fellow by passing the USMLE exams and holding a valid ECFMG certificate. Afterwards, serving as Assistant Professor at Kocaeli University School of Medicine Dept of ORL in the period of 2006-2007.

Prof. Arif Ulubil, M.D.

Pranoni thirrjet video


Born in 1974 and father of two children, Safter Arif ULUBİL is a trilingual Professor and Doctor who received medical training in the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine between 1992-1998. Following that, he completed his residency in 2004 at Istanbul School of Medicine Dept of ORL. Between 2004-2006, He worked in Jackson Memorial Hospital affiliated with the University of Miami Dept of ORL as a clinical fellow by passing the USMLE exams and holding a valid ECFMG certificate. Afterwards, serving as Assistant Professor at Kocaeli University School of Medicine Dept of ORL in the period of 2006-2007.


The timeframe of 2008 to 2020 goes as follows:


  • 2008: Military services, ENT Specialist at GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital Dept of ORL.
  • 2008-2010: continued working at Kocaeli University School of Medicine Dept of ORL as Assistant Professor.
  • 2010: worked as Associate Professor at Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine Dept of ORL.
  • 2010-2015: Served at Acibadem Fulya Hospital and at Acıbadem University Dept of ORL.
  • 2015-2017: received the title of Professor and started working as Professor at Acibadem
  • Fulya Hospital and Acıbadem University Dept of ORL.
  • 2017-2020: continued working as Professor at Koç University.
  • Currently, working at Nişantaşı ENT & Head and Neck Group as a Professor.
  • Prof. Dr. Arif ULUBİL operates mostly on advanced otologic surgeries, hearing disorder surgeries, deviation and sinusitis surgeries.


Currently, working at Nişantaşı ENT & Head and Neck Group as a Professor.
Prof. Dr. Arif ULUBİL operates mostly on advanced otologic surgeries, hearing disorder surgeries, deviation and sinusitis surgeries.


English Publications:


1. Oysu C, Aslan I, Ulubil A, Başerer N. Hiperbilirubinemik sağırlıkta koklear tutulum insidansı. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2002 Kasım;111(11):1021-5.

2. Ulubil SA, Aslan I, Başaran B, Başerer N. Radyoloji bilgi yarışması vakası 2. Nazolabial (nazoalveolar) kist. Arch Otolaryngol Baş Boyun Cerrahisi. 2003 Mar;129(3):374- 377

3. Uluğ T, Ulubil SA. Boğazda yabancı cisim hissinin alışılmadık bir nedeni: kornikülat kıkırdak subluksasyonu. Ben J Otolaryngol. 2003 Mart-Nisan;24(2):118-20.

4. Uluğ T, Ulubil SA, Alagöl F. Dual ektopik tiroid: bir olgu sunumu. J Laryngol Otol. 2003 Temmuz;117(7):574-6.

5. Uluğ T, Ulubil SA. Tek taraflı abdusens felci ile ilişkili iki taraflı travmatik yüz felci: bir olgu sunumu. J Laryngol Otol. 2005 Şubat;119(2):144-7

Shfaq më shumë


Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat)


  • 1985 - 1992
    Robert College

    Robert College HIGH SCHOOL

  • 1992 - 1998
    Istanbul University

    Istanbul University FACULTY OF MEDICINE

  • 1994 - 2004

