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Imamo 50+ zadovoljnih pacijenata

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Hera Healthcare pruža intuitivna, prilagođena rešenja za zdravstvenu negu koja zadovoljavaju vaše potrebe lečenja.

Naš cilj je da obezbedimo održive usluge pacijenata sa dodatom vrednošću dok koristimo naše interne i eksterne resurse u skladu sa prioritetima naših pacijenata i pripremamo našu ekipu za budućnost stalnim unapređenjem našeg poslovnog modela.

Predstavljamo visoku tehnologiju: IKONA Gama noža

Gama nož ICON je najnovija visoka tehnologija u današnjem svetu. Nudi najkraće vreme procedure i brz oporavak u roku od nekoliko dana. Pored toga, može da leči najizazovnije anomalije bez ikakvog bola.

Naši srećni pacijenti: Saznajte više o priči Alije Junus

Doktor mi je dao puno samopouzdanja i na sreću moja operacija je bila uspešna. Posle operacije, imala sam priliku da posetim spektakularna mesta u Istanbulu. Kada sam se vratila u svoju zemlju, brzo sam se oporavila i vrratila se svom poslu. Veoma mi je drago što sam kontaktirala Hera Healthcare, i preporučujem svima. Nije kasno ni za jednu bolest, stupite u kontakt sa Herom već danas, nađite svoj lek u sigurnim rukama.

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Imamo 50+ zadovoljnih pacijenata

Veruje nam više od 50+ ljudi širom sveta

Hera Healthcare
Hera Healthcare
Hera Healthcare


Vrste poremećaja usta:

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Centar za gojaznost Gojaznost se u osnovi definiše kao prekomerno nagomilavanje masti u telu. Utičući na celi svet poput pandemije, gojaznost uzrokuje nakupljanje masti u arterijama i oko visceralnih organa, posebno jetre, što prvo dovodi do ateroskleroze (plakovi se razvijaju u arteriji, a to dovodi do nedovoljnog snabdevanja krvi tkivima i organima) a zatim brojnim zdravstvenim problemima, uključujući bolesti srca, srčani udar, astmu, dijabetes melitus, hipertenziju i apneju u snu (povremeno disanje u trajanju od nekoliko sekundi tokom spavanja).

Saznajte više


In-vitro oplodnja (IVF) je najčešća metoda lečenja među pomoćnim reproduktivnim tehnikama koje se koriste za lečenje neplodnosti. Svrha vantelesne oplodnje je oplodnja jajašca žene spermom - reproduktivnim ćelijama muškarca u laboratoriji - da bi se dobili embrioni koji će biti prebačeni ženi zarad začeća. U slučaju neplodnosti muškog faktora, spermatozoidi se prenose u jajnu ćeliju vrlo tankom iglom što rezultira razvojem embriona (ICSI: Intra-citoplazmatska injekcija sperme). Ovi embrioni se slično prenose u matericu majke.

Saznajte više


Iako postoji mnogo osnovnih razloga gubitka kose, glavni razlozi su genetski faktori kod muškaraca i hormonski faktori kod žena. Gubitak kose je jedan od najčešćih kozmetičkih problema danas; na sličan način, transplantacija kose je među najčešće izvođenim kozmetičkim postupcima Očekivani uslov za transplantaciju je da zdrava osoba gubi 80 do 100 pramenova kose dnevno. S druge strane, deo naše kose (uglavnom one oko potiljka) ne bi trebalo da opada zbog same prirode ili - drugim rečima - da nisu osetljivi na androgen. Transplantacija kose je tretman koji osigurava trajne ishode svima bez ikakvih poremećaja koji uzrokuju gubitak kose ili pojedincima koji ne koriste nijedan lek koji dovodi do gubitka kose.

Saznajte više


Kontrolni pregled se odnosi na zdravstveni pregled za osobu bez zdravstvenih problema / aktivnih žalbi s obzirom na njenu starost, pol, istoriju bolesti, porodičnu istoriju, nasledne rizike, prehrambene navike, način života i faktore životne sredine Za dug i zdrav život…

Saznajte više


It is time to make peace with mirrors. Plastične, kozmetičke i rekonstruktivne operacije obuhvataju čitav niz operacija za popravljanje ili obnavljanje delova tela ili za promenu dela tela radi estetskog izgleda.Estetska, plastična i rekonstruktivna hirurgija je naučna disciplina koja se bavi dijagnozom i lečenjem urođenih i stečenih defekata, deformacija i disfunkcija u telu. Glavna svrha estetskih operacija je poboljšanje izgleda, dok se plastične i rekonstruktivne operacije izvode da bi se eliminisale bolesti i povratila funkcija. Osim operacija koje se izvode isključivo radi kozmetike, neophodno je postići sve ove ciljeve

Saznajte više


Gastroenterologija se bavi dijagnozom, pregledom i medicinskim lečenjem bolesti koje potiču ili uključuju gastrointestinalne organe (usta, jednjak, stomak, tanko crevo, jetru, pankreas i debelo crevo). U slučaju sumnje na rak u ovim organima, biopsiju uglavnom obavljaju gastroenterolozi.

Saznajte više


Klinika za urologiju bavi se dijagnozom i lečenjem bolesti i karcinoma muških i ženskih mokraćnih puteva (bubrezi, mokraćovodi, bešika i uretra) i muških reproduktivnih organa (penis, testis i prostata).

Saznajte više


Otorinolaringologija (ORL) je medicinska disciplina koja se fokusira na dijagnozu i lečenje (medicinsko i hirurško) bolesti i poremećaja u radu glave, vrata, nosa i grla u svim starosnim grupama.

Saznajte više


Oftalmološko odeljenje bavi se dijagnozom i lečenjem (medicinskim i hirurškim) bolesti i benignih i malignih tumora očne jabučice i vidnog nerva.

Saznajte više


U čovekovom telu ima 33 pršljena od kraja lobanje do trtice; 23 od tih pršljenova su pokretni. Stub koji čine te 33 kosti nazivaju se kičma ili kičmeni stub. Između svaka dva pršljena postoji struktura nalik jastuku, naime intervertebralni disk. Kičmena moždina leži u kanalu unutar kičme. Slično mozgu, kičmena moždina je takođe okružena membranom, gde cerebrospinalna tečnost cirkuliše.

Saznajte više

Briga o srcu

Kardiologija je medicinska disciplina koja se bavi dijagnozom, ispitivanjem i lečenjem bolesti koje pogađaju srce, krvne sudove koji hrane srce (koronarne arterije) i cirkulatorni sistem

Saznajte više


Kroz istoriju hirurgija se trudi da nanese minimalne posledice prilikom zahvata. U prošlosti su rađeni rezovi od nekoliko desetina centimetara u hirurškim zahvatima (na primer, operacije izvedene otvaranjem zida grudnog koša). Vremenom je razvoj hirurških alata i tehnika doneo koncept minimalno invazivne hirurgije. Cilj minimalno invazivne hirurgije je minimiziranje traume, ublažavanje postoperativnog bola i skraćivanje postoperativnog boravka u bolnici, jer omogućava hirurzima da izvode operacije kroz vrlo male rezove.

Saznajte više


Ortopedija i traumatologija je medicinska disciplina koja se bavi lečenjem svih bolesti mišićno-skeletnog sistema i karcinoma (urođenih bolesti, tumora, stečenih bolesti, poremećaja povezanih sa traumom).

Saznajte više


Klinika za torakalnu hirurgiju radi u saradnji sa klinikama za radiologiju, laboratorijom, medicinskom onkologijom i klinikama za plućnu medicinu radi dijagnoze i lečenja bolesti. Takođe, bronhoskopija, medijastinoskopija i videotorakoskopija su dijagnostički alati koje specijalno koristi klinika za torakalnu hirurgiju.

Saznajte više


Klinika za opštu hirurgiju dijagnostikuje i leči mnoge bolesti koje su predugačke da bi bile navedene. Iako se stare hirurške tehnike koje datiraju unazad nekoliko vekova i dalje koriste u polju opšte hirurgije, laparoskopske, endoskopske i robotizovane operacije, obično nazivane minimalno invazivnim operacijama, postaju sve popularnije zahvaljujući razvoju tehnologije.

Saznajte više


Šta je transplantacija koštane srži i matičnih ćelija? Koštana srž je tkivo koje se nalazi u sunđerastoom tkivu kostiju. Matične ćelije koje se nalaze unutar koštane srži čine poreklo svih ćelija u ljudskom telu. Matične ćelije hematopoeze, koje se takođe nalaze u koštanoj srži, sazrevaju i diferenciraju se u različite krvne ćelije (crvena krvna zrnca, bela krvna zrnca i trombociti). U tom kontekstu, transplantacija koštane srži i transplantacija matičnih ćelija imaju identično značenje.

Saznajte više


Transplantacija jetre Transplantacija jetre je postupak gde se bolesna ili povređena jetra uklanja i zamenjuje je zdravom jetrom druge osobe, koja se naziva davalac.

Saznajte više


Odeljenje neurohirurgije bavi se dijagnozom i hirurškim lečenjem svih strukturnih poremećaja, disfunkcije i karcinoma nervnog sistema. Dijagnostikovanje i lečenje bolesti kreće se od urođenih anomalija (urođena skolioza i kifoza, hidrocefalija, spina bifida, meningomijelokela i kraniosinocitoza), benignih i malignih tumora mozga, kičmene moždine i perifernih nerava, aneurizme i arteriovenskih malformacija, poremećaja kretanja i okluzija stenoza i okluzija i poremećaja okluzije i poremećaja okluzije i poremećaja okluzije karotidne arterije i cerebralne arterije. Uzimajući u obzir spektar gore pomenutih bolesti i poremećaja, odeljenje za neurohirurgiju radi u saradnji sa odeljenjima za neurologiju, neuroradiologiju, radioterapiju i neurološku rehabilitaciju.

Saznajte više


Neurologija je nauka koja se bavi dijagnozom i medicinskim lečenjem poremećaja nervnog sistema (mozga, kičmene moždine i perifernih nerava). Budući da funkcionisanje mišića zavisi od signala koje prenose nervi, poremećaji mišića i pokreta takođe su uključeni u bolesti koje se dijagnostikuju i leče u ovom polju.

Saznajte više


Raznovrsni ili kombinovani tretmani koji se koriste za lečenje, smanjenje ili usporavanje rasta karcinoma. Brzina rasta ćelija u ljudskom telu se proverava i reguliše određenim mehanizmima kontrole. Genetski faktori i faktori okoline narušavaju ovaj mehanizam kontrole, što rezultira abnormalnim rastom ćelija i rakom.

Saznajte više


Vrste poremećaja usta:

Saznajte više


Centar za gojaznost Gojaznost se u osnovi definiše kao prekomerno nagomilavanje masti u telu. Utičući na celi svet poput pandemije, gojaznost uzrokuje nakupljanje masti u arterijama i oko visceralnih organa, posebno jetre, što prvo dovodi do ateroskleroze (plakovi se razvijaju u arteriji, a to dovodi do nedovoljnog snabdevanja krvi tkivima i organima) a zatim brojnim zdravstvenim problemima, uključujući bolesti srca, srčani udar, astmu, dijabetes melitus, hipertenziju i apneju u snu (povremeno disanje u trajanju od nekoliko sekundi tokom spavanja).

Saznajte više


In-vitro oplodnja (IVF) je najčešća metoda lečenja među pomoćnim reproduktivnim tehnikama koje se koriste za lečenje neplodnosti. Svrha vantelesne oplodnje je oplodnja jajašca žene spermom - reproduktivnim ćelijama muškarca u laboratoriji - da bi se dobili embrioni koji će biti prebačeni ženi zarad začeća. U slučaju neplodnosti muškog faktora, spermatozoidi se prenose u jajnu ćeliju vrlo tankom iglom što rezultira razvojem embriona (ICSI: Intra-citoplazmatska injekcija sperme). Ovi embrioni se slično prenose u matericu majke.

Saznajte više


Iako postoji mnogo osnovnih razloga gubitka kose, glavni razlozi su genetski faktori kod muškaraca i hormonski faktori kod žena. Gubitak kose je jedan od najčešćih kozmetičkih problema danas; na sličan način, transplantacija kose je među najčešće izvođenim kozmetičkim postupcima Očekivani uslov za transplantaciju je da zdrava osoba gubi 80 do 100 pramenova kose dnevno. S druge strane, deo naše kose (uglavnom one oko potiljka) ne bi trebalo da opada zbog same prirode ili - drugim rečima - da nisu osetljivi na androgen. Transplantacija kose je tretman koji osigurava trajne ishode svima bez ikakvih poremećaja koji uzrokuju gubitak kose ili pojedincima koji ne koriste nijedan lek koji dovodi do gubitka kose.

Saznajte više


Kontrolni pregled se odnosi na zdravstveni pregled za osobu bez zdravstvenih problema / aktivnih žalbi s obzirom na njenu starost, pol, istoriju bolesti, porodičnu istoriju, nasledne rizike, prehrambene navike, način života i faktore životne sredine Za dug i zdrav život…

Saznajte više


It is time to make peace with mirrors. Plastične, kozmetičke i rekonstruktivne operacije obuhvataju čitav niz operacija za popravljanje ili obnavljanje delova tela ili za promenu dela tela radi estetskog izgleda.Estetska, plastična i rekonstruktivna hirurgija je naučna disciplina koja se bavi dijagnozom i lečenjem urođenih i stečenih defekata, deformacija i disfunkcija u telu. Glavna svrha estetskih operacija je poboljšanje izgleda, dok se plastične i rekonstruktivne operacije izvode da bi se eliminisale bolesti i povratila funkcija. Osim operacija koje se izvode isključivo radi kozmetike, neophodno je postići sve ove ciljeve

Saznajte više


Gastroenterologija se bavi dijagnozom, pregledom i medicinskim lečenjem bolesti koje potiču ili uključuju gastrointestinalne organe (usta, jednjak, stomak, tanko crevo, jetru, pankreas i debelo crevo). U slučaju sumnje na rak u ovim organima, biopsiju uglavnom obavljaju gastroenterolozi.

Saznajte više


Klinika za urologiju bavi se dijagnozom i lečenjem bolesti i karcinoma muških i ženskih mokraćnih puteva (bubrezi, mokraćovodi, bešika i uretra) i muških reproduktivnih organa (penis, testis i prostata).

Saznajte više


Otorinolaringologija (ORL) je medicinska disciplina koja se fokusira na dijagnozu i lečenje (medicinsko i hirurško) bolesti i poremećaja u radu glave, vrata, nosa i grla u svim starosnim grupama.

Saznajte više


Oftalmološko odeljenje bavi se dijagnozom i lečenjem (medicinskim i hirurškim) bolesti i benignih i malignih tumora očne jabučice i vidnog nerva.

Saznajte više


U čovekovom telu ima 33 pršljena od kraja lobanje do trtice; 23 od tih pršljenova su pokretni. Stub koji čine te 33 kosti nazivaju se kičma ili kičmeni stub. Između svaka dva pršljena postoji struktura nalik jastuku, naime intervertebralni disk. Kičmena moždina leži u kanalu unutar kičme. Slično mozgu, kičmena moždina je takođe okružena membranom, gde cerebrospinalna tečnost cirkuliše.

Saznajte više

Briga o srcu

Kardiologija je medicinska disciplina koja se bavi dijagnozom, ispitivanjem i lečenjem bolesti koje pogađaju srce, krvne sudove koji hrane srce (koronarne arterije) i cirkulatorni sistem

Saznajte više


Kroz istoriju hirurgija se trudi da nanese minimalne posledice prilikom zahvata. U prošlosti su rađeni rezovi od nekoliko desetina centimetara u hirurškim zahvatima (na primer, operacije izvedene otvaranjem zida grudnog koša). Vremenom je razvoj hirurških alata i tehnika doneo koncept minimalno invazivne hirurgije. Cilj minimalno invazivne hirurgije je minimiziranje traume, ublažavanje postoperativnog bola i skraćivanje postoperativnog boravka u bolnici, jer omogućava hirurzima da izvode operacije kroz vrlo male rezove.

Saznajte više


Ortopedija i traumatologija je medicinska disciplina koja se bavi lečenjem svih bolesti mišićno-skeletnog sistema i karcinoma (urođenih bolesti, tumora, stečenih bolesti, poremećaja povezanih sa traumom).

Saznajte više


Klinika za torakalnu hirurgiju radi u saradnji sa klinikama za radiologiju, laboratorijom, medicinskom onkologijom i klinikama za plućnu medicinu radi dijagnoze i lečenja bolesti. Takođe, bronhoskopija, medijastinoskopija i videotorakoskopija su dijagnostički alati koje specijalno koristi klinika za torakalnu hirurgiju.

Saznajte više


Klinika za opštu hirurgiju dijagnostikuje i leči mnoge bolesti koje su predugačke da bi bile navedene. Iako se stare hirurške tehnike koje datiraju unazad nekoliko vekova i dalje koriste u polju opšte hirurgije, laparoskopske, endoskopske i robotizovane operacije, obično nazivane minimalno invazivnim operacijama, postaju sve popularnije zahvaljujući razvoju tehnologije.

Saznajte više


Šta je transplantacija koštane srži i matičnih ćelija? Koštana srž je tkivo koje se nalazi u sunđerastoom tkivu kostiju. Matične ćelije koje se nalaze unutar koštane srži čine poreklo svih ćelija u ljudskom telu. Matične ćelije hematopoeze, koje se takođe nalaze u koštanoj srži, sazrevaju i diferenciraju se u različite krvne ćelije (crvena krvna zrnca, bela krvna zrnca i trombociti). U tom kontekstu, transplantacija koštane srži i transplantacija matičnih ćelija imaju identično značenje.

Saznajte više


Transplantacija jetre Transplantacija jetre je postupak gde se bolesna ili povređena jetra uklanja i zamenjuje je zdravom jetrom druge osobe, koja se naziva davalac.

Saznajte više


Odeljenje neurohirurgije bavi se dijagnozom i hirurškim lečenjem svih strukturnih poremećaja, disfunkcije i karcinoma nervnog sistema. Dijagnostikovanje i lečenje bolesti kreće se od urođenih anomalija (urođena skolioza i kifoza, hidrocefalija, spina bifida, meningomijelokela i kraniosinocitoza), benignih i malignih tumora mozga, kičmene moždine i perifernih nerava, aneurizme i arteriovenskih malformacija, poremećaja kretanja i okluzija stenoza i okluzija i poremećaja okluzije i poremećaja okluzije i poremećaja okluzije karotidne arterije i cerebralne arterije. Uzimajući u obzir spektar gore pomenutih bolesti i poremećaja, odeljenje za neurohirurgiju radi u saradnji sa odeljenjima za neurologiju, neuroradiologiju, radioterapiju i neurološku rehabilitaciju.

Saznajte više


Neurologija je nauka koja se bavi dijagnozom i medicinskim lečenjem poremećaja nervnog sistema (mozga, kičmene moždine i perifernih nerava). Budući da funkcionisanje mišića zavisi od signala koje prenose nervi, poremećaji mišića i pokreta takođe su uključeni u bolesti koje se dijagnostikuju i leče u ovom polju.

Saznajte više


Raznovrsni ili kombinovani tretmani koji se koriste za lečenje, smanjenje ili usporavanje rasta karcinoma. Brzina rasta ćelija u ljudskom telu se proverava i reguliše određenim mehanizmima kontrole. Genetski faktori i faktori okoline narušavaju ovaj mehanizam kontrole, što rezultira abnormalnim rastom ćelija i rakom.

Saznajte više


Vrste poremećaja usta:

Saznajte više


Centar za gojaznost Gojaznost se u osnovi definiše kao prekomerno nagomilavanje masti u telu. Utičući na celi svet poput pandemije, gojaznost uzrokuje nakupljanje masti u arterijama i oko visceralnih organa, posebno jetre, što prvo dovodi do ateroskleroze (plakovi se razvijaju u arteriji, a to dovodi do nedovoljnog snabdevanja krvi tkivima i organima) a zatim brojnim zdravstvenim problemima, uključujući bolesti srca, srčani udar, astmu, dijabetes melitus, hipertenziju i apneju u snu (povremeno disanje u trajanju od nekoliko sekundi tokom spavanja).

Saznajte više


In-vitro oplodnja (IVF) je najčešća metoda lečenja među pomoćnim reproduktivnim tehnikama koje se koriste za lečenje neplodnosti. Svrha vantelesne oplodnje je oplodnja jajašca žene spermom - reproduktivnim ćelijama muškarca u laboratoriji - da bi se dobili embrioni koji će biti prebačeni ženi zarad začeća. U slučaju neplodnosti muškog faktora, spermatozoidi se prenose u jajnu ćeliju vrlo tankom iglom što rezultira razvojem embriona (ICSI: Intra-citoplazmatska injekcija sperme). Ovi embrioni se slično prenose u matericu majke.

Saznajte više


Iako postoji mnogo osnovnih razloga gubitka kose, glavni razlozi su genetski faktori kod muškaraca i hormonski faktori kod žena. Gubitak kose je jedan od najčešćih kozmetičkih problema danas; na sličan način, transplantacija kose je među najčešće izvođenim kozmetičkim postupcima Očekivani uslov za transplantaciju je da zdrava osoba gubi 80 do 100 pramenova kose dnevno. S druge strane, deo naše kose (uglavnom one oko potiljka) ne bi trebalo da opada zbog same prirode ili - drugim rečima - da nisu osetljivi na androgen. Transplantacija kose je tretman koji osigurava trajne ishode svima bez ikakvih poremećaja koji uzrokuju gubitak kose ili pojedincima koji ne koriste nijedan lek koji dovodi do gubitka kose.

Saznajte više


Kontrolni pregled se odnosi na zdravstveni pregled za osobu bez zdravstvenih problema / aktivnih žalbi s obzirom na njenu starost, pol, istoriju bolesti, porodičnu istoriju, nasledne rizike, prehrambene navike, način života i faktore životne sredine Za dug i zdrav život…

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It is time to make peace with mirrors. Plastične, kozmetičke i rekonstruktivne operacije obuhvataju čitav niz operacija za popravljanje ili obnavljanje delova tela ili za promenu dela tela radi estetskog izgleda.Estetska, plastična i rekonstruktivna hirurgija je naučna disciplina koja se bavi dijagnozom i lečenjem urođenih i stečenih defekata, deformacija i disfunkcija u telu. Glavna svrha estetskih operacija je poboljšanje izgleda, dok se plastične i rekonstruktivne operacije izvode da bi se eliminisale bolesti i povratila funkcija. Osim operacija koje se izvode isključivo radi kozmetike, neophodno je postići sve ove ciljeve

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Gastroenterologija se bavi dijagnozom, pregledom i medicinskim lečenjem bolesti koje potiču ili uključuju gastrointestinalne organe (usta, jednjak, stomak, tanko crevo, jetru, pankreas i debelo crevo). U slučaju sumnje na rak u ovim organima, biopsiju uglavnom obavljaju gastroenterolozi.

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Klinika za urologiju bavi se dijagnozom i lečenjem bolesti i karcinoma muških i ženskih mokraćnih puteva (bubrezi, mokraćovodi, bešika i uretra) i muških reproduktivnih organa (penis, testis i prostata).

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Otorinolaringologija (ORL) je medicinska disciplina koja se fokusira na dijagnozu i lečenje (medicinsko i hirurško) bolesti i poremećaja u radu glave, vrata, nosa i grla u svim starosnim grupama.

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Oftalmološko odeljenje bavi se dijagnozom i lečenjem (medicinskim i hirurškim) bolesti i benignih i malignih tumora očne jabučice i vidnog nerva.

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U čovekovom telu ima 33 pršljena od kraja lobanje do trtice; 23 od tih pršljenova su pokretni. Stub koji čine te 33 kosti nazivaju se kičma ili kičmeni stub. Između svaka dva pršljena postoji struktura nalik jastuku, naime intervertebralni disk. Kičmena moždina leži u kanalu unutar kičme. Slično mozgu, kičmena moždina je takođe okružena membranom, gde cerebrospinalna tečnost cirkuliše.

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Briga o srcu

Kardiologija je medicinska disciplina koja se bavi dijagnozom, ispitivanjem i lečenjem bolesti koje pogađaju srce, krvne sudove koji hrane srce (koronarne arterije) i cirkulatorni sistem

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Kroz istoriju hirurgija se trudi da nanese minimalne posledice prilikom zahvata. U prošlosti su rađeni rezovi od nekoliko desetina centimetara u hirurškim zahvatima (na primer, operacije izvedene otvaranjem zida grudnog koša). Vremenom je razvoj hirurških alata i tehnika doneo koncept minimalno invazivne hirurgije. Cilj minimalno invazivne hirurgije je minimiziranje traume, ublažavanje postoperativnog bola i skraćivanje postoperativnog boravka u bolnici, jer omogućava hirurzima da izvode operacije kroz vrlo male rezove.

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Ortopedija i traumatologija je medicinska disciplina koja se bavi lečenjem svih bolesti mišićno-skeletnog sistema i karcinoma (urođenih bolesti, tumora, stečenih bolesti, poremećaja povezanih sa traumom).

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Klinika za torakalnu hirurgiju radi u saradnji sa klinikama za radiologiju, laboratorijom, medicinskom onkologijom i klinikama za plućnu medicinu radi dijagnoze i lečenja bolesti. Takođe, bronhoskopija, medijastinoskopija i videotorakoskopija su dijagnostički alati koje specijalno koristi klinika za torakalnu hirurgiju.

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Klinika za opštu hirurgiju dijagnostikuje i leči mnoge bolesti koje su predugačke da bi bile navedene. Iako se stare hirurške tehnike koje datiraju unazad nekoliko vekova i dalje koriste u polju opšte hirurgije, laparoskopske, endoskopske i robotizovane operacije, obično nazivane minimalno invazivnim operacijama, postaju sve popularnije zahvaljujući razvoju tehnologije.

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Šta je transplantacija koštane srži i matičnih ćelija? Koštana srž je tkivo koje se nalazi u sunđerastoom tkivu kostiju. Matične ćelije koje se nalaze unutar koštane srži čine poreklo svih ćelija u ljudskom telu. Matične ćelije hematopoeze, koje se takođe nalaze u koštanoj srži, sazrevaju i diferenciraju se u različite krvne ćelije (crvena krvna zrnca, bela krvna zrnca i trombociti). U tom kontekstu, transplantacija koštane srži i transplantacija matičnih ćelija imaju identično značenje.

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Transplantacija jetre Transplantacija jetre je postupak gde se bolesna ili povređena jetra uklanja i zamenjuje je zdravom jetrom druge osobe, koja se naziva davalac.

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Odeljenje neurohirurgije bavi se dijagnozom i hirurškim lečenjem svih strukturnih poremećaja, disfunkcije i karcinoma nervnog sistema. Dijagnostikovanje i lečenje bolesti kreće se od urođenih anomalija (urođena skolioza i kifoza, hidrocefalija, spina bifida, meningomijelokela i kraniosinocitoza), benignih i malignih tumora mozga, kičmene moždine i perifernih nerava, aneurizme i arteriovenskih malformacija, poremećaja kretanja i okluzija stenoza i okluzija i poremećaja okluzije i poremećaja okluzije i poremećaja okluzije karotidne arterije i cerebralne arterije. Uzimajući u obzir spektar gore pomenutih bolesti i poremećaja, odeljenje za neurohirurgiju radi u saradnji sa odeljenjima za neurologiju, neuroradiologiju, radioterapiju i neurološku rehabilitaciju.

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Neurologija je nauka koja se bavi dijagnozom i medicinskim lečenjem poremećaja nervnog sistema (mozga, kičmene moždine i perifernih nerava). Budući da funkcionisanje mišića zavisi od signala koje prenose nervi, poremećaji mišića i pokreta takođe su uključeni u bolesti koje se dijagnostikuju i leče u ovom polju.

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Raznovrsni ili kombinovani tretmani koji se koriste za lečenje, smanjenje ili usporavanje rasta karcinoma. Brzina rasta ćelija u ljudskom telu se proverava i reguliše određenim mehanizmima kontrole. Genetski faktori i faktori okoline narušavaju ovaj mehanizam kontrole, što rezultira abnormalnim rastom ćelija i rakom.

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Tretmani koje možete pronaći kod Here.

Više od svega cenimo kvalitet bolnica i lekara sa kojima sarađujemo.

Naši pacijenti

Vaše zadovoljstvo je naš prvi cilj, trudimo se da budete srećni.

Zadovoljstvo naših pacijenata je na prvom mestu. U desetinama zemalja naši bivši pacijenti postali su naši prijatelji. Naši prijatelji, koji veruju porodici Hera, koja svakim danom sve više raste, podelili su sa nama svoje utiske i zahvalnost. Dozvolite nam da to podelimo sa vama sa ponosom!

Pogledajte sve pacijente

SledećiVioleta Piranha

SledećiSergej Milicevic

SledećiJanja Stamenkovic

SledećiVioleta Piranha

SledećiSergej Milicevic

POEM treatment for patients with impaired swallowing function

Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) is known as an advanced endoscopic treatment method used in the treatment of diseases that cause swallowing difficulties. With this method, the problematic muscles in the esophagus are cut by entering through the mouth as if a normal endoscopy is performed. Previously, the treatment of these diseases was carried out either surgically or with the endoscopic balloon method.


The method that treats prostate enlargement with laser: ThuLEP

The prostate is an organ located at the bladder outlet in men, through which the urethra passes, and can grow with aging under the influence of male hormones. Prostate enlargement causes urinary complaints by compressing the urinary canal and closing the bladder outlet. Prostate enlargement and treatment options are planned according to both the prostate size and the patient's degree of complaint. ThuLEP, which is called the most recent endoscopic prostate surgery performed using Thulium laser, is used in the treatment of benign prostate enlargement, one of the most important health problems of men.


HIPEC 'warm chemotherapy' for advanced cancer patients

Thanks to scientific research, we now know more about the progression of some types of cancer. In appropriate cases in advanced stage cancer patients where the cancer recurs, a certain amount of cancer drug is heated with special medical devices and given into the abdomen. This method is called "Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotheraphy" (HIPEC).


'Microsphere' therapy with TARE in liver cancer

TARE (Transarterial Radioembolization) method is used in the treatment of liver cancers and cancers that arise in other organs and spread to the liver. In this method, spheres called 'microsphere' containing radioactive material are injected directly into the cancerous tissue. With microspheres of Yttrium-90 (Y90), a radioactive substance, healthy tissues are protected and radiation is applied to the tumor.


Fast and precise treatment with pinpointing the tumor

Nowadays, it is of great importance to treat cancer quickly and precisely. The TrueBeam radiotherapy system is also a method that can be used in many types of cancer and shortens the treatment time. TrueBeam is an advanced linear accelerator in which image-guided radiotherapy and radiosurgery applications are used together.


The method that cuts the path of cancerous cells: TAKE

Cancer cells develop and multiply rapidly using the body's strong vascular network. In order to stop this proliferation and the devastating effect of cancer, chemotherapy drugs are given to the patient. Chemotherapy drugs that spread throughout the body reach the cancerous tissue with the help of the circulatory system, but they also cause some side effects due to this spread. In the "Transarterial ChemoEmbolization" (TAKE) procedure, higher doses of chemotherapy drugs are administered only to the vessels feeding the tumor, preventing damage to healthy cells.


CyberKnife destroys hard-to-reach tumors

CyberKnife is a system used in the treatment of various types of cancer, especially in the treatment of cancers that are difficult to access, comprising an irradiation system designed to perform radiation therapy with sub-millimeter precision throughout the body. With the help of this device, high doses of radiation are given to the brain and body, especially to cancerous areas that have problems in accessing, thus protecting healthy tissues.


Radiation therapy from 192 points for tumors that cannot be operated

Thanks to the "Gamma Knife" technology, which has been used for many years, tumors that neurosurgeons cannot surgically remove can be successfully treated by beams given from 192 separate points. With this method, both benign brain tumors and malignant brain tumors are treated, while successful results can be obtained in the treatment of vascular brain diseases and functional brain diseases.


Cancer surgery is applied for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Cancer disease occurs due to stress in daily life, poor diet, smoking and alcohol use habits, sedentary lifestyle, and familial factors. The disease causes some abnormal cells in the body to multiply uncontrollably and weaken the immune system. There are more than a hundred types of cancer. In its treatment, two main surgical methods are used: The first is to perform surgery to protect certain organs and tissues where the risk of cancer is high. The second is to remove the cancerous tissue and some of the surrounding healthy tissue.


Curvature of the spine causes pain and respiratory disorders

Scoliosis in adults consists of two main disease groups. The first disease group includes 'idiopathic scoliosis', which started in childhood or adolescence and progressed. In the second group of diseases, there is 'degenerative scoliosis', which is seen with aging and wear of the spine. The decision on which method to treat scoliosis in adults is made by considering the 'complaints' rather than the severity of the curvature in the patient's spine. In the surgical treatment of scoliosis in adults, the curvature of the spine is corrected to ensure the balance of the body, and nerve compression is eliminated by fusing the vertebrae.


Early diagnosis of cancer and heart diseases with PET-MR

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR) is an imaging system that provides information about organs and tissues in the human body without the use of radioactive materials. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is an imaging system that uses radioactive materials to examine the functions of tissues and organs in the body. Thanks to the PET-MR technology, which emerged with the development of these two technologies, more detailed information can be obtained in cancer cases.


The First 24 hour is Vital for Corneal Transplant

The 'cornea', which is known as the layer of the eye with the highest refraction, refracts the light coming from the outside and focuses it on the retina. This allows us to see transparently. However, clouding or deformities in the cornea severely impair vision. Some medical imperatives require a corneal transplant.


Was Developed for Astronouts, Became Vital for Our Well-Being

The "Robotic Surgery Method", developed by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the remote surgical procedures that may be needed in astronauts working in space, by a doctor in the world, today allows operations that increase the life comfort of patients in some important surgical branches, especially in heart diseases. provided.


Have a Check-up Once a Year to Learn about the Hidden Diseases in Advance

Human lifespan is increasing all over the world. In order to be healthy not only in old age, but also in youth, it is necessary to strive in many areas such as proper nutrition, which are known as health protective measures, avoiding bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, regular sleep, correct exercise, learning to cope with stress. However, all these are not enough to be healthy.


Not Only One, Many Diseases Cause 'Vertigo'

Not Only One, Many Diseases Cause 'Vertigo' There are many diseases that cause vertigo, which is called 'dizziness' among the people.


Congenital orthopedic diseases are diagnosed during pregnancy

Both congenital and acquired physical diseases in children are treated by pediatric orthopedic physicians.


Surgery offers hope to patients of drug-refractory epilepsy

Epilepsy, which affects 1% of children worldwide, begins at an early age. 25-30 percent of children with epilepsy continue to have seizures despite using two or more epilepsy medications. Today, epilepsy surgery is considered as an option that improves the quality of life for children with persistent epilepsy.


Liver cancer is being treated with microspheres

Today, the primary treatment of liver cancers is surgical. In cancers that do not have a chance for surgical treatment, smart drugs and local treatments for the liver are used.


Stem cell therapy for joint damage in the knee

Stem cell therapy is used to stop the progression of cartilage damage in patients whose cartilage is damaged at an early stage, who have joint pain, but who are too early for surgery. In addition, stem cells are also used in cases such as tearing the meniscus tissue, which prevents the knee joints from rubbing against each other.


HIFU method delights patients with prostate cancer at a young age

In addition to problems such as enlargement and inflammation of the prostate gland with age, the emergence of cancer adversely affects the quality of life of men. For this reason, every man, especially after the age of 50, should include a "prostate examination" in his annual health checks.


Choose the right IVF center to relieve the longing for a child

In vitro fertilization treatment has become a source of hope for couples who do not have children, especially with the development of technology in recent years. After marriage, when couples cannot have a baby for a year despite trying, they apply to the doctor.


Spinal control in children enables early diagnosis of scoliosis

It is possible to define scoliosis as the bending of the spine to the right or left at an angle of more than 10 degrees. In this disease, in which 80% of the patients are adolescents, the effect of height increase during adolescence plays a role, while the spine curves in one direction, which is more common in young girls.


During breast cancer treatment, a new breast is made to the patient within the same session.

Breast cancer is among the most common female cancers today. For this reason, all women, especially between the ages of 40-50, should have mammography, ultrasonography and examination once a year.


Whole-body MRI provides detailed imaging of tumors

In the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) method, normal tissues in the body are displayed in the most detailed way, while formations that give different signals, such as tumors, can be easily identified. In a normal MRI, an antenna is used for each region to be imaged and a special shot is performed for that region. In Whole Body MRI, on the other hand, the MR device can use more than one antenna at the same time which allows making measurements on the patient.


Women over 40 should undergo a mammography once a year

The World Health Organization recommends that all women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram once a year. While mammography is used for screening purposes, it is also used for diagnostic purposes. Diagnostic mammography is required in cases such as palpable lumps in the breast, nipple depression, skin hardening, breast implants or fluid coming from the breast.


Remedy when blood type does not match: Cross-over Transplant

Organ transplantation refers to a surgery aiming to replace an organ that loses its function with an organ that is compatible with the patient. However, although some patients have donors, organ transplantation cannot be performed from their own donors because "blood compatibility cannot be established". In this case, the patient must apply to the organ transplantation center and become a candidate for cross-over transplantation. The patient, whose organ cannot be transplanted due to incompatibility, is matched with another patient who has a donor but cannot be transplanted due to blood incompatibility. Transplantation is carried out from the donor of one to the recipient of the other, thus both patients regain their health by performing a ' Cross-over transplant '.


Multidisciplinary approach is essential in cancer treatment

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in our country and in the world. Globally, one-sixth of the death-toll, and one-fifth in our country, is due to cancer. About one-third of cancer deaths are caused by behavioral and nutritional risk factors.


POEM treatment for patients with impaired swallowing function

Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) is known as an advanced endoscopic treatment method used in the treatment of diseases that cause swallowing difficulties. With this method, the problematic muscles in the esophagus are cut by entering through the mouth as if a normal endoscopy is performed. Previously, the treatment of these diseases was carried out either surgically or with the endoscopic balloon method.


The method that treats prostate enlargement with laser: ThuLEP

The prostate is an organ located at the bladder outlet in men, through which the urethra passes, and can grow with aging under the influence of male hormones. Prostate enlargement causes urinary complaints by compressing the urinary canal and closing the bladder outlet. Prostate enlargement and treatment options are planned according to both the prostate size and the patient's degree of complaint. ThuLEP, which is called the most recent endoscopic prostate surgery performed using Thulium laser, is used in the treatment of benign prostate enlargement, one of the most important health problems of men.


HIPEC 'warm chemotherapy' for advanced cancer patients

Thanks to scientific research, we now know more about the progression of some types of cancer. In appropriate cases in advanced stage cancer patients where the cancer recurs, a certain amount of cancer drug is heated with special medical devices and given into the abdomen. This method is called "Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotheraphy" (HIPEC).


'Microsphere' therapy with TARE in liver cancer

TARE (Transarterial Radioembolization) method is used in the treatment of liver cancers and cancers that arise in other organs and spread to the liver. In this method, spheres called 'microsphere' containing radioactive material are injected directly into the cancerous tissue. With microspheres of Yttrium-90 (Y90), a radioactive substance, healthy tissues are protected and radiation is applied to the tumor.


Fast and precise treatment with pinpointing the tumor

Nowadays, it is of great importance to treat cancer quickly and precisely. The TrueBeam radiotherapy system is also a method that can be used in many types of cancer and shortens the treatment time. TrueBeam is an advanced linear accelerator in which image-guided radiotherapy and radiosurgery applications are used together.


The method that cuts the path of cancerous cells: TAKE

Cancer cells develop and multiply rapidly using the body's strong vascular network. In order to stop this proliferation and the devastating effect of cancer, chemotherapy drugs are given to the patient. Chemotherapy drugs that spread throughout the body reach the cancerous tissue with the help of the circulatory system, but they also cause some side effects due to this spread. In the "Transarterial ChemoEmbolization" (TAKE) procedure, higher doses of chemotherapy drugs are administered only to the vessels feeding the tumor, preventing damage to healthy cells.


CyberKnife destroys hard-to-reach tumors

CyberKnife is a system used in the treatment of various types of cancer, especially in the treatment of cancers that are difficult to access, comprising an irradiation system designed to perform radiation therapy with sub-millimeter precision throughout the body. With the help of this device, high doses of radiation are given to the brain and body, especially to cancerous areas that have problems in accessing, thus protecting healthy tissues.


Radiation therapy from 192 points for tumors that cannot be operated

Thanks to the "Gamma Knife" technology, which has been used for many years, tumors that neurosurgeons cannot surgically remove can be successfully treated by beams given from 192 separate points. With this method, both benign brain tumors and malignant brain tumors are treated, while successful results can be obtained in the treatment of vascular brain diseases and functional brain diseases.


Cancer surgery is applied for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Cancer disease occurs due to stress in daily life, poor diet, smoking and alcohol use habits, sedentary lifestyle, and familial factors. The disease causes some abnormal cells in the body to multiply uncontrollably and weaken the immune system. There are more than a hundred types of cancer. In its treatment, two main surgical methods are used: The first is to perform surgery to protect certain organs and tissues where the risk of cancer is high. The second is to remove the cancerous tissue and some of the surrounding healthy tissue.


Curvature of the spine causes pain and respiratory disorders

Scoliosis in adults consists of two main disease groups. The first disease group includes 'idiopathic scoliosis', which started in childhood or adolescence and progressed. In the second group of diseases, there is 'degenerative scoliosis', which is seen with aging and wear of the spine. The decision on which method to treat scoliosis in adults is made by considering the 'complaints' rather than the severity of the curvature in the patient's spine. In the surgical treatment of scoliosis in adults, the curvature of the spine is corrected to ensure the balance of the body, and nerve compression is eliminated by fusing the vertebrae.


Early diagnosis of cancer and heart diseases with PET-MR

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR) is an imaging system that provides information about organs and tissues in the human body without the use of radioactive materials. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is an imaging system that uses radioactive materials to examine the functions of tissues and organs in the body. Thanks to the PET-MR technology, which emerged with the development of these two technologies, more detailed information can be obtained in cancer cases.


The First 24 hour is Vital for Corneal Transplant

The 'cornea', which is known as the layer of the eye with the highest refraction, refracts the light coming from the outside and focuses it on the retina. This allows us to see transparently. However, clouding or deformities in the cornea severely impair vision. Some medical imperatives require a corneal transplant.


Was Developed for Astronouts, Became Vital for Our Well-Being

The "Robotic Surgery Method", developed by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the remote surgical procedures that may be needed in astronauts working in space, by a doctor in the world, today allows operations that increase the life comfort of patients in some important surgical branches, especially in heart diseases. provided.


Have a Check-up Once a Year to Learn about the Hidden Diseases in Advance

Human lifespan is increasing all over the world. In order to be healthy not only in old age, but also in youth, it is necessary to strive in many areas such as proper nutrition, which are known as health protective measures, avoiding bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, regular sleep, correct exercise, learning to cope with stress. However, all these are not enough to be healthy.


Not Only One, Many Diseases Cause 'Vertigo'

Not Only One, Many Diseases Cause 'Vertigo' There are many diseases that cause vertigo, which is called 'dizziness' among the people.


Congenital orthopedic diseases are diagnosed during pregnancy

Both congenital and acquired physical diseases in children are treated by pediatric orthopedic physicians.


Surgery offers hope to patients of drug-refractory epilepsy

Epilepsy, which affects 1% of children worldwide, begins at an early age. 25-30 percent of children with epilepsy continue to have seizures despite using two or more epilepsy medications. Today, epilepsy surgery is considered as an option that improves the quality of life for children with persistent epilepsy.


Liver cancer is being treated with microspheres

Today, the primary treatment of liver cancers is surgical. In cancers that do not have a chance for surgical treatment, smart drugs and local treatments for the liver are used.


Stem cell therapy for joint damage in the knee

Stem cell therapy is used to stop the progression of cartilage damage in patients whose cartilage is damaged at an early stage, who have joint pain, but who are too early for surgery. In addition, stem cells are also used in cases such as tearing the meniscus tissue, which prevents the knee joints from rubbing against each other.


HIFU method delights patients with prostate cancer at a young age

In addition to problems such as enlargement and inflammation of the prostate gland with age, the emergence of cancer adversely affects the quality of life of men. For this reason, every man, especially after the age of 50, should include a "prostate examination" in his annual health checks.


Choose the right IVF center to relieve the longing for a child

In vitro fertilization treatment has become a source of hope for couples who do not have children, especially with the development of technology in recent years. After marriage, when couples cannot have a baby for a year despite trying, they apply to the doctor.


Spinal control in children enables early diagnosis of scoliosis

It is possible to define scoliosis as the bending of the spine to the right or left at an angle of more than 10 degrees. In this disease, in which 80% of the patients are adolescents, the effect of height increase during adolescence plays a role, while the spine curves in one direction, which is more common in young girls.


During breast cancer treatment, a new breast is made to the patient within the same session.

Breast cancer is among the most common female cancers today. For this reason, all women, especially between the ages of 40-50, should have mammography, ultrasonography and examination once a year.


Whole-body MRI provides detailed imaging of tumors

In the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) method, normal tissues in the body are displayed in the most detailed way, while formations that give different signals, such as tumors, can be easily identified. In a normal MRI, an antenna is used for each region to be imaged and a special shot is performed for that region. In Whole Body MRI, on the other hand, the MR device can use more than one antenna at the same time which allows making measurements on the patient.


Women over 40 should undergo a mammography once a year

The World Health Organization recommends that all women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram once a year. While mammography is used for screening purposes, it is also used for diagnostic purposes. Diagnostic mammography is required in cases such as palpable lumps in the breast, nipple depression, skin hardening, breast implants or fluid coming from the breast.


Remedy when blood type does not match: Cross-over Transplant

Organ transplantation refers to a surgery aiming to replace an organ that loses its function with an organ that is compatible with the patient. However, although some patients have donors, organ transplantation cannot be performed from their own donors because "blood compatibility cannot be established". In this case, the patient must apply to the organ transplantation center and become a candidate for cross-over transplantation. The patient, whose organ cannot be transplanted due to incompatibility, is matched with another patient who has a donor but cannot be transplanted due to blood incompatibility. Transplantation is carried out from the donor of one to the recipient of the other, thus both patients regain their health by performing a ' Cross-over transplant '.


Multidisciplinary approach is essential in cancer treatment

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in our country and in the world. Globally, one-sixth of the death-toll, and one-fifth in our country, is due to cancer. About one-third of cancer deaths are caused by behavioral and nutritional risk factors.


POEM treatment for patients with impaired swallowing function

Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) is known as an advanced endoscopic treatment method used in the treatment of diseases that cause swallowing difficulties. With this method, the problematic muscles in the esophagus are cut by entering through the mouth as if a normal endoscopy is performed. Previously, the treatment of these diseases was carried out either surgically or with the endoscopic balloon method.


The method that treats prostate enlargement with laser: ThuLEP

The prostate is an organ located at the bladder outlet in men, through which the urethra passes, and can grow with aging under the influence of male hormones. Prostate enlargement causes urinary complaints by compressing the urinary canal and closing the bladder outlet. Prostate enlargement and treatment options are planned according to both the prostate size and the patient's degree of complaint. ThuLEP, which is called the most recent endoscopic prostate surgery performed using Thulium laser, is used in the treatment of benign prostate enlargement, one of the most important health problems of men.


HIPEC 'warm chemotherapy' for advanced cancer patients

Thanks to scientific research, we now know more about the progression of some types of cancer. In appropriate cases in advanced stage cancer patients where the cancer recurs, a certain amount of cancer drug is heated with special medical devices and given into the abdomen. This method is called "Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotheraphy" (HIPEC).


'Microsphere' therapy with TARE in liver cancer

TARE (Transarterial Radioembolization) method is used in the treatment of liver cancers and cancers that arise in other organs and spread to the liver. In this method, spheres called 'microsphere' containing radioactive material are injected directly into the cancerous tissue. With microspheres of Yttrium-90 (Y90), a radioactive substance, healthy tissues are protected and radiation is applied to the tumor.


Fast and precise treatment with pinpointing the tumor

Nowadays, it is of great importance to treat cancer quickly and precisely. The TrueBeam radiotherapy system is also a method that can be used in many types of cancer and shortens the treatment time. TrueBeam is an advanced linear accelerator in which image-guided radiotherapy and radiosurgery applications are used together.


The method that cuts the path of cancerous cells: TAKE

Cancer cells develop and multiply rapidly using the body's strong vascular network. In order to stop this proliferation and the devastating effect of cancer, chemotherapy drugs are given to the patient. Chemotherapy drugs that spread throughout the body reach the cancerous tissue with the help of the circulatory system, but they also cause some side effects due to this spread. In the "Transarterial ChemoEmbolization" (TAKE) procedure, higher doses of chemotherapy drugs are administered only to the vessels feeding the tumor, preventing damage to healthy cells.


CyberKnife destroys hard-to-reach tumors

CyberKnife is a system used in the treatment of various types of cancer, especially in the treatment of cancers that are difficult to access, comprising an irradiation system designed to perform radiation therapy with sub-millimeter precision throughout the body. With the help of this device, high doses of radiation are given to the brain and body, especially to cancerous areas that have problems in accessing, thus protecting healthy tissues.


Radiation therapy from 192 points for tumors that cannot be operated

Thanks to the "Gamma Knife" technology, which has been used for many years, tumors that neurosurgeons cannot surgically remove can be successfully treated by beams given from 192 separate points. With this method, both benign brain tumors and malignant brain tumors are treated, while successful results can be obtained in the treatment of vascular brain diseases and functional brain diseases.


Cancer surgery is applied for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Cancer disease occurs due to stress in daily life, poor diet, smoking and alcohol use habits, sedentary lifestyle, and familial factors. The disease causes some abnormal cells in the body to multiply uncontrollably and weaken the immune system. There are more than a hundred types of cancer. In its treatment, two main surgical methods are used: The first is to perform surgery to protect certain organs and tissues where the risk of cancer is high. The second is to remove the cancerous tissue and some of the surrounding healthy tissue.


Curvature of the spine causes pain and respiratory disorders

Scoliosis in adults consists of two main disease groups. The first disease group includes 'idiopathic scoliosis', which started in childhood or adolescence and progressed. In the second group of diseases, there is 'degenerative scoliosis', which is seen with aging and wear of the spine. The decision on which method to treat scoliosis in adults is made by considering the 'complaints' rather than the severity of the curvature in the patient's spine. In the surgical treatment of scoliosis in adults, the curvature of the spine is corrected to ensure the balance of the body, and nerve compression is eliminated by fusing the vertebrae.


Early diagnosis of cancer and heart diseases with PET-MR

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR) is an imaging system that provides information about organs and tissues in the human body without the use of radioactive materials. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is an imaging system that uses radioactive materials to examine the functions of tissues and organs in the body. Thanks to the PET-MR technology, which emerged with the development of these two technologies, more detailed information can be obtained in cancer cases.


The First 24 hour is Vital for Corneal Transplant

The 'cornea', which is known as the layer of the eye with the highest refraction, refracts the light coming from the outside and focuses it on the retina. This allows us to see transparently. However, clouding or deformities in the cornea severely impair vision. Some medical imperatives require a corneal transplant.


Was Developed for Astronouts, Became Vital for Our Well-Being

The "Robotic Surgery Method", developed by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the remote surgical procedures that may be needed in astronauts working in space, by a doctor in the world, today allows operations that increase the life comfort of patients in some important surgical branches, especially in heart diseases. provided.


Have a Check-up Once a Year to Learn about the Hidden Diseases in Advance

Human lifespan is increasing all over the world. In order to be healthy not only in old age, but also in youth, it is necessary to strive in many areas such as proper nutrition, which are known as health protective measures, avoiding bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, regular sleep, correct exercise, learning to cope with stress. However, all these are not enough to be healthy.


Not Only One, Many Diseases Cause 'Vertigo'

Not Only One, Many Diseases Cause 'Vertigo' There are many diseases that cause vertigo, which is called 'dizziness' among the people.


Congenital orthopedic diseases are diagnosed during pregnancy

Both congenital and acquired physical diseases in children are treated by pediatric orthopedic physicians.


Surgery offers hope to patients of drug-refractory epilepsy

Epilepsy, which affects 1% of children worldwide, begins at an early age. 25-30 percent of children with epilepsy continue to have seizures despite using two or more epilepsy medications. Today, epilepsy surgery is considered as an option that improves the quality of life for children with persistent epilepsy.


Liver cancer is being treated with microspheres

Today, the primary treatment of liver cancers is surgical. In cancers that do not have a chance for surgical treatment, smart drugs and local treatments for the liver are used.


Stem cell therapy for joint damage in the knee

Stem cell therapy is used to stop the progression of cartilage damage in patients whose cartilage is damaged at an early stage, who have joint pain, but who are too early for surgery. In addition, stem cells are also used in cases such as tearing the meniscus tissue, which prevents the knee joints from rubbing against each other.


HIFU method delights patients with prostate cancer at a young age

In addition to problems such as enlargement and inflammation of the prostate gland with age, the emergence of cancer adversely affects the quality of life of men. For this reason, every man, especially after the age of 50, should include a "prostate examination" in his annual health checks.


Choose the right IVF center to relieve the longing for a child

In vitro fertilization treatment has become a source of hope for couples who do not have children, especially with the development of technology in recent years. After marriage, when couples cannot have a baby for a year despite trying, they apply to the doctor.


Spinal control in children enables early diagnosis of scoliosis

It is possible to define scoliosis as the bending of the spine to the right or left at an angle of more than 10 degrees. In this disease, in which 80% of the patients are adolescents, the effect of height increase during adolescence plays a role, while the spine curves in one direction, which is more common in young girls.


During breast cancer treatment, a new breast is made to the patient within the same session.

Breast cancer is among the most common female cancers today. For this reason, all women, especially between the ages of 40-50, should have mammography, ultrasonography and examination once a year.


Whole-body MRI provides detailed imaging of tumors

In the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) method, normal tissues in the body are displayed in the most detailed way, while formations that give different signals, such as tumors, can be easily identified. In a normal MRI, an antenna is used for each region to be imaged and a special shot is performed for that region. In Whole Body MRI, on the other hand, the MR device can use more than one antenna at the same time which allows making measurements on the patient.


Women over 40 should undergo a mammography once a year

The World Health Organization recommends that all women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram once a year. While mammography is used for screening purposes, it is also used for diagnostic purposes. Diagnostic mammography is required in cases such as palpable lumps in the breast, nipple depression, skin hardening, breast implants or fluid coming from the breast.


Remedy when blood type does not match: Cross-over Transplant

Organ transplantation refers to a surgery aiming to replace an organ that loses its function with an organ that is compatible with the patient. However, although some patients have donors, organ transplantation cannot be performed from their own donors because "blood compatibility cannot be established". In this case, the patient must apply to the organ transplantation center and become a candidate for cross-over transplantation. The patient, whose organ cannot be transplanted due to incompatibility, is matched with another patient who has a donor but cannot be transplanted due to blood incompatibility. Transplantation is carried out from the donor of one to the recipient of the other, thus both patients regain their health by performing a ' Cross-over transplant '.


Multidisciplinary approach is essential in cancer treatment

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in our country and in the world. Globally, one-sixth of the death-toll, and one-fifth in our country, is due to cancer. About one-third of cancer deaths are caused by behavioral and nutritional risk factors.


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