During breast cancer treatment, a new breast is made to the patient within the same session

Breast cancer is among the most common female cancers today. For this reason, all women, especially between the ages of 40-50, should have mammography, ultrasonography and examination once a year.

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In patients who are faced with the fact that breast tissue is removed as a result of breast cancer, the nipple and breast skin are preserved, and the breast tissue damaged by cancer is removed, and the breast is reconstructed by placing a prosthesis.


Today, both the tumor is removed and the prosthesis is placed in a single operation. Thus, after breast cancer, patients lose both their aesthetic appearance and the breast tissues necessary for the healthy posture of the spine, so they can get through the process more easily without feeling depressed.  


In classical mastectomy surgery, the entire breast skin and breast tissue are removed, so a straight line is formed in the chest. This causes some aesthetic concerns in women. Now, this method of mastectomy is applied only in cases where the tumor has invaded the entire breast skin.   

Therefore, it is very important to detect breast cancer at an early stage. If it is caught at an early stage, after the tumor is removed, women can also have aesthetic breast surgery.


Catching breast cancer at an early stage and performing breast-conserving surgery also affect women's breastfeeding. Since the breast tissue is not damaged after the breast prosthesis is placed for aesthetic purposes only, there are no problems with breastfeeding.    


However, since breast integrity cannot be preserved in patients whose cancerous breast tissue is removed by mastectomy, breastfeeding is affected whether or not a prosthesis is placed. Today, in patients with early diagnosis, since only the affected part of the breast tissue is removed by preserving the nipple, it is possible for patients with prosthesis to breastfeed.

The patient is able to see the new breast in 3D before the operation.

Patients can see how the breast will look after the surgery, digitally in 3D before the surgery. This also reduces stress for them.   


After the pre-operative planning is made, the general surgeon and plastic surgeon go into the operation together. General surgeon performs nipple and breast skin sparing mastectomy.   


Sampling of lymph nodes from the armpit is then performed. If the result is clear, it means that the patient will not receive radiotherapy. If they will not receive radiotherapy and the breast will be protected, prosthesis is applied to these patients.

It is possible to return to daily life 3 weeks after the operation.

After the surgery, the patients only have scars as if they had a breast reduction or lift surgery. It is important for patients to rest for a week, after about 3 weeks, it is possible to return to their daily work, and they can do sports within 6 weeks.


For this reason, it is necessary to prepare for the age of 40 with breast examination and ultrasound examinations after the age of 20. It is important to come to the age of 40 with ultrasound and examination from the age of 20, and to have examination, mammography and ultrasonography once a year at the age of 40-50.   


Since the risk increases 17 times in women with a family history of breast cancer, examinations should not be delayed from a very young age.